在下午駕車出外, 發覺雖然有點熱, 但可能前幾日下了幾日雨, 加上由昨日到今日都吹西南風, 天色出奇的好, 回家路上感覺是在外國如紐西蘭開車, 天色是出奇的藍, 遠處的大帽山上的白雲是出奇的白和美. 景色美極了 !回家後馬上拿出Nikon D700 在家天台來拍照 ! 看看以下美景吧 !
跟着開車往南生圍路練跑 ! 在抵達泊好車後, 往單車小徑慢跑熱身, 迎面見到一個跑友, 一看他的跑姿及跑衣已知是一個有經驗的跑手, 打過招呼後我們各自向不同方向跑, 到我二三分鐘後回到我泊車的起點, 那跑手仍在拉筋熱身, 再打招呼並自我介紹, 點知他說他也是泰基跑會的並已在Facebook 已act 了我, 他叫Raymond Liu, 我說我在facebook有十幾位我也不認識的男男女女经常act 我, 我說回家馬上回應他.
Ok, 我們就這樣一起練跑, 我們在去程的5公里, 在頭三公里大家都跑到同一pacing, 大約5min per km,在路上我們一路跑一路談話, 到二三公里後Raymond說有點快了, 不能再交談了, 到了四公里位, 我已忍吳住了開回自己13km per hr 速度, 完成時間竟然24分50秒多一点, 時間OK, 反正经過昨晚的 8 x 800m 身體也有一点疲倦, 今日預計只是 Recovery Run而已.
休息了八分鍾再上路回程, 這次讓Raymond帶跑, 我在後面死跟, 他的 pacing 都算幾穩定, 12km per hr 即五分鍾 1km, 因這不是我的normal pacing, 跑起上來好舒服, 心跳最高也只是160下左右, 平圴都在156 到 159下徘徊, 到跑到最後的 4.5公里, 時間大約24分左右, 跟着我就小開油門, 心跳馬上向上升到 170下以上, 速度亦升到 14.5km 了, 到跑回我的泊車位, 時間只是 24分 20秒 ! 而Raymond 則在20秒后亦抵達了, 心跳馬上下降到 140下左右, 感覺實在好舒服, 跟自已平常跑完要休息足足十分鐘以上才能回氣差好遠了, 在車上取了水後和 Raymond 一同慢行回他的家, 一路行一路交談, 並相約如他再來元朗看看有冇機會相約一起再練跑, 幾分鐘後我也行回自已泊車位並開車回家吃飯了 !
但開了不夠幾分鐘, 在車上的倒後鏡看到遠處的雲層跟藍到發紫的天色美極了, 車上我一早準備的 D700, 原本是準備用來泊日落的, 但因太陽在日落時份已躲在厚厚的雲層後, 所以只好放回車內算了, 好彩見到那藍得發紫的天色, 所以馬上停車, 馬上落車準備泊照 ! 只照了一張, 用 replay 一看, Oh, 美極了 !
Shutter 看來已超過一秒多, 馬上調高ISO到 1000, 再照, OK, 正啊 ! 如是者足足照了十多張, 其中有一兩張真的可以用來參加沙瓏比賽啊 ! 大家看一看吧 !
看來以後我也多帶我的 D700 一起跑步了 !
回覆刪除Hi George,
回覆刪除Thanks and I think you should take some photo of your running trail for me to have a look !
It may be very interesting for all runners too !
No need to feel lonely as runners are trained to handle the lonienss.
A portion on my trail is quite pretty, with water in the creek, birds flying around. I have been thinking about taking some pictures there as well, but I would have to finish my run, go home and drive there. It is about 4 miles away from my home so I won't be able to carry my camera and run 4 miles without destroying it :)
回覆刪除I agree with you !
回覆刪除But how about those small and tiny size snap shot camera ?
Just a suggestion only and if it is too difficult, forget it !
Do you know that sometimes I could see extremely beautiful sunset during the late evening running training and I could only talk to myself that oh, so sorry, perhaps next time !
回覆刪除Nice D700 and the photos~!
回覆刪除Today when I ran my long run, at a place on the trail about 4.5 miles away from my home, the scenery was very good. I do have my camera phone with me and I did pass that point 4 times(20 mile run). But I was so obsessed about running a good long run that I didn't stop to take any picture :)
回覆刪除Perhasp next time if you are aree !
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hi Alfred,
回覆刪除I normally run in the Yuen Long Industrial Area along the 山貝河 across 南生圍 everyday, I'd like to go to 南生圍 but I do not think I can get access to there on foot.
Happy and Safe Running :)