2009年6月30日 星期二

大病後第一個 Interval Training, 表現比預期的好 !

昨天因傍晚要去灣仔開會, 所以五点前已抵達了灣仔運動場, 但因太早抵達, 便和朋友談電話, 因實在太大汗, 竟然將手機的speaker 弄壞, 幸好手機已用了多年, 加上工作需要, 手機需要的功能也需要收到電郵, 所以可以以壞機的藉口再買一部新機, 心中預算是可能是 Nolia 5800XM 或 HTC的 Diamond Touch 又或是 Asus 的 725 Smartphone, 心中未定, 下星期多找資料再決定 !

回到跑步主題, 昨晚在跑 8x800m 的 Interval 前, 自已先跑了4km, 速度比預期的好及快許多, 時間只18分半, 最高速度達 14.5km, 心跳保持 161 至 165 左右, 如果不是要跑 Interval, 我會一路跑下去. 至少跑到六七公里才停下來 !

800m Interval練習結果如下, 6分連跑連休息

第一個 800m, 時間 3分15秒, 平均心跳 156下
第二個 800m, 時間 3分12秒, 心跳平均 161下
第三個 800m, 時間 3分20秒, 心跳平均 162下
第四個 800m, 時間 3分25秒, 心跳平均 163下
第五個 800m, 時間 3分25秒, 心跳平均 163下
第六個 800m, 時間 3分27秒, 心跳平均 164下
第七個 800m, 時間 3分27秒, 心跳平均 164下
第八個 800m, 時間 3分23秒, 心跳平均 165下

跑完 Interval, 休息了10分鍾, 再慢跑了2km, 速度降到 8到9公里per hr, 時間用了足足13分幾 ! 心跳降回 115下以下 !

跟着再往健身房舉鐵, 小舉了二十分鐘後磅重, 最震驚的是短短十四天兩星期因大病一場, 體重由135LB 急降到130LB, 腰圍好像也少了半寸以上 ! 看來未來幾星期要積極增重, 不然太輕的體重會不夠耐力應付每星期100公里以上跑步訓練 !

7 則留言:

  1. 看來你病好了!


  2. Hi George,

    Yes, I think you are absolutely right that as the 10k run yesterday evening and I feel very relax even I am running slightly over 12km per he. My heart beat alos beat at 5 to 10 beat lower than last few one at the same distance.

    Yes, I think I will try to loweer the rest time to improve the endurance.

    Now I will go to Macau for several business meeting for the handover issues

    BTW, business opportunities are more than I expected and some of the good RF suppliers insist to work with me even though I am only the one-man band company. Sometimes your personal records and credits would not be swept away even though you are in the same company. I am very content for my good business record for the last 10 years.

    I feel very content for both the running training and also my RF business issues

    Now outside is sunny and windy. It is also the good time for running but I need to go out now

    Talk to you then


  3. 想問ALFRED兄舉鐵既情況,大概做咩既動作及次數。


    相信要等香港仔運動場維修完成後,先可以練習800M INTERVAL。

  4. also nice to hear your business are doing good. I also agree with you that personal records and credit are important assets for everyone in business world, particularly in sales-related works.

    All the best!

  5. Hi Fat Dragon,

    Sorry that I have overlooked your message.

    For weight training, my rough schedule is as follows:-

    1. 3 x 12 of leg press - around 140LB weight, rest 3 to 5 per round
    2. brest press - 3 x 12 or 3 x 15 - depends on body situation - rest also 3 to 5 mins per round
    3. 3 x 12 of shoulder pull down of only 70 to 80LB, rest also 3 to 5 mins. This part I am very weak as my shoulder muscel is very weak
    4. if time allowed, will go for 2 x 10 waist press up - for those downward 50 to 60'C table

    Hope this is clear to you !

  6. Alfred,

    thanks a lot for your sharing.

    I also do similar weight training but only 2 times, and train my quadriceps and hamstrings with lever.

    Shoulder pull of 70/80 lbs is hard to me too.I would want to gradually increase the weight to 100/110 lbs so that I would have stronger strengths in my shoulders, to support the running posture.

  7. 嘩~ 原來你咁輕~! 好羨慕!
